Resolving ‘Could Not Fetch’ Sitemap Error in Google Search Console

If Google Search Console says that your sitemap “could not fetch” but everything seems fine on your end, there may be various reasons for this issue. Here are some common causes and steps to troubleshoot:

1. Incorrect Sitemap URL

  • Verify Sitemap URL: Make sure you’ve submitted the correct and complete URL for the sitemap. The URL should be accessible to Googlebot. For example,
  • Check for Typos: Even a small typo in the URL could cause Google to fail in fetching the sitemap.

2. Sitemap Accessibility Issues

  • Check HTTP Response: Ensure that the sitemap URL is returning a valid HTTP status code (like 200 OK). If it returns a 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, or any other error, Google won’t be able to access it.
  • Check for Robots.txt Block: Make sure your robots.txt file is not blocking access to your sitemap. There should be no disallow directives that prevent Googlebot from crawling the sitemap.

3. Server Issues

  • Server Timeouts: If your server is slow to respond or experiencing downtime, Googlebot may not be able to fetch the sitemap. Check your server logs to see if there were any errors or timeouts when Google tried to access the sitemap.
  • Check Hosting or Firewall Rules: Sometimes, certain server settings or firewalls might block Googlebot by accident. Ensure Googlebot is not blocked on your server.
  • User-Agent Restrictions: Verify that the user-agent Googlebot is not being blocked by your server configuration or security settings.

4. Incorrect Sitemap Format

  • XML Validation: Check if your sitemap file adheres to the correct XML format and follows the sitemap protocol. You can validate the sitemap using an online tool like XML Sitemap Validator.
  • Empty or Corrupt File: Ensure that the file is not empty or corrupted. Sometimes sitemaps can generate improperly or have issues that aren’t immediately obvious.

5. HTTPS/SSL Certificate Issues

  • SSL Certificate Problems: If your website uses HTTPS, ensure that the SSL certificate is valid and working correctly. If Google cannot verify the certificate or encounters mixed content warnings, it may not be able to fetch the sitemap.
  • Mixed Content Issues: Make sure all resources (including the sitemap) are served securely over HTTPS, and there are no HTTP/HTTPS conflicts.

6. Recent Changes

  • URL Structure Changes: If you recently changed the URL structure of your website (e.g., switched from HTTP to HTTPS or moved to a new domain), the sitemap URL might need to be updated in Google Search Console.
  • DNS Propagation Delay: If you’ve recently changed DNS settings (e.g., for a domain or subdomain), it might take some time for the DNS changes to propagate and for Google to be able to fetch your sitemap.

7. Googlebot Temporary Issue

  • Temporary Google Issue: Sometimes, the problem might be on Google’s end, like a temporary issue with Googlebot or its systems. Wait for a day or two and try resubmitting the sitemap.

Steps to Troubleshoot:

  1. Verify Sitemap URL: Double-check the sitemap URL for any errors or typos.
  2. Test Sitemap Accessibility: Open the sitemap URL in your browser and make sure it loads correctly.
  3. Use “URL Inspection” in Google Search Console: Test the sitemap URL with the “URL Inspection” tool to see how Googlebot views the page.
  4. Check HTTP Status: Use a tool like to check the HTTP status of the sitemap URL.
  5. Validate Sitemap: Run the sitemap through a validator to ensure it’s properly formatted.
  6. Resubmit the Sitemap: Try removing the sitemap and then resubmitting it in Google Search Console.

If none of these solutions resolve the issue, Google may take some time to update. However, checking for server or network errors and ensuring the sitemap is properly configured are usually the most effective ways to address the issue.

More Advanced solutions:

If your sitemap has been unable to fetch for six months, and even a simple .txt file sitemap results in the same error, there may be deeper issues with the way Google is trying to access your website or server. Here’s an advanced troubleshooting guide for this persistent issue:

1. Check for Crawl Errors in the Google Search Console

  • Crawl Stats: In Google Search Console, go to Settings > Crawl Stats and review the reports to see if Googlebot has been encountering crawl errors across your site. If Google cannot access other resources (not just the sitemap), this could indicate a larger issue with how your site is set up or served to Googlebot.

2. Check for Server and Firewall Settings

  • IP Blocking: It’s possible that Googlebot’s IP addresses are being blocked at the server level. Some hosting providers or security configurations (e.g., Cloudflare, firewalls, mod_security) may block Googlebot by accident, mistaking it for a bot attack.
    • Solution: Check with your hosting provider or review your server’s firewall and security settings to make sure Googlebot’s IP range is allowed. You can find a list of Googlebot IP addresses here.

3. Check DNS and Hosting Configuration

  • DNS Settings: Ensure there are no issues with your site’s DNS configuration that could be preventing Googlebot from accessing your site. You can use tools like DNSChecker or Google’s Public DNS to verify that your domain’s DNS is set up correctly.
  • Use a Different DNS: Sometimes changing your DNS provider to a faster, more reliable option (like Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS) can resolve hard-to-detect issues that impact Google’s ability to reach your site.

4. Test with Googlebot User-Agent

  • Use an HTTP tool like cURL or an online service to make requests to your site using the Googlebot user-agent. This will show you if your server treats Googlebot differently (which could be the issue).
    • Example cURL command: curl -A "Googlebot"
    • Check the server’s response to ensure it isn’t denying access to Googlebot or providing a different response than what it gives to regular users.

5. Check Security Settings (Cloudflare, htaccess, etc.)

  • Cloudflare or Other Security Services: If you’re using a CDN like Cloudflare or another security service, it might be blocking Googlebot.
    • Solution: Go to your Cloudflare settings (or similar) and check if Googlebot is blocked or if there are specific firewall rules that could be restricting access. In Cloudflare, you can create a rule to “allow” Googlebot specifically.
  • htaccess or Server Rules: If you have any custom rules in your .htaccess file (Apache servers) or other server settings (like Nginx configurations), make sure they are not accidentally blocking Googlebot.
    • Solution: Look for directives like Deny from or similar in your .htaccess file that may block Googlebot or other crawlers.

6. Robots.txt Issues

  • Verify that Googlebot Can Access the Sitemap: Even though robots.txt usually blocks access to certain parts of a website, it may also inadvertently block the sitemap itself.
    • Solution: Ensure that your robots.txt file is not blocking the sitemap URL. Use the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console to see if the sitemap is accessible by Googlebot.
    • Example entry in robots.txt to allow sitemap: makefile User-agent: * Allow: /sitemap.xml

7. SSL/TLS Issues

  • SSL Configuration: Since even a .txt sitemap could not be fetched, there might be an issue with your SSL configuration (if you’re using HTTPS).
    • Solution: Verify that your SSL certificate is valid and properly installed. Tools like SSL Labs’ SSL Test can help identify if there are issues with SSL that may prevent Google from fetching resources from your site.

8. Try Fetch as Googlebot Using the URL Inspection Tool

  • In Google Search Console, use the URL Inspection Tool to fetch the sitemap URL and see the exact error message Googlebot is encountering.
    • This tool will tell you how Google interprets the sitemap URL and may provide more information about why it’s unable to access the file.

9. Test Sitemap Accessibility from Multiple Locations

  • Use tools like Pingdom or GTMetrix to check if your sitemap can be fetched from different locations around the world. This can help you identify if the issue is location-specific or a global problem.

10. Contact Hosting Provider

  • If none of the above solutions work, contact your hosting provider and ask them to check if there are any server-side issues, misconfigurations, or security settings that may be preventing Googlebot from accessing your sitemap or other resources.

11. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

  • Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool ( to test the sitemap URL. Even though it’s primarily for testing mobile usability, it can also help you identify if Googlebot can access the URL at all, and it will report errors if Googlebot can’t fetch the page.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify why Google is unable to fetch your sitemap, even if it appears fine on your end. The issue is likely due to either server misconfigurations, security/firewall settings, or something that prevents Googlebot specifically from accessing your sitemap.

Last step

If you’ve used the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console, and everything seems fine but the sitemap is still showing the “could not fetch” error, this suggests that the problem may not be immediately apparent. Given that you’ve already ruled out the more straightforward issues, here are some additional advanced steps to consider:

1. Check for Rate Limiting or IP Blocking

  • Rate Limiting: Some web servers or CDNs may block or limit requests if they believe too many are coming in from a particular source (such as Googlebot). This may not show up during testing, but could still block Google’s automated attempts to fetch the sitemap at a different time.
  • Solution: Check with your hosting provider or CDN (e.g., Cloudflare, Akamai) to see if they have any rate-limiting or IP-blocking policies. Ensure that Googlebot is not being inadvertently blocked after multiple requests.

2. Review HTTP Response Headers

  • Even if the sitemap appears accessible to you and Googlebot can fetch it on-demand via the URL Inspection Tool, there could be issues with the HTTP headers returned when Googlebot crawls the sitemap automatically.
    • Solution: Use developer tools in your browser (or a tool like cURL) to inspect the HTTP headers returned by your sitemap URL. Look for:
      • Incorrect Cache-Control headers that might prevent Googlebot from caching or reading the sitemap.
      • Inconsistent Content-Type headers (the sitemap should have application/xml or text/xml for XML sitemaps).
      • Any HTTP 403 (Forbidden) or 503 (Service Unavailable) responses when Google attempts to fetch the sitemap during its regular crawl schedule.

3. Test Sitemap from Different Google Data Centers

  • Google uses different data centers around the world, and the issue could be isolated to a specific region or data center.
    • Solution: Use tools like GeoPeeker or a VPN to test your sitemap from different global locations. It’s possible that Google’s crawlers in some regions can access your sitemap, while others cannot due to local server issues or CDN configurations.

4. Check for Hidden Server-Side Rules (mod_security, etc.)

  • Some servers have hidden rules or security modules (like mod_security on Apache servers) that could block certain requests without generating obvious errors. These rules might block certain types of user-agents, or requests that are perceived as coming too frequently.
    • Solution: Review your server logs, or ask your hosting provider to check if there are any security rules or application firewalls that might be unintentionally blocking requests from Googlebot.

5. Test Googlebot’s Access with cURL Using Different IPs

  • While you’ve already tested with the URL Inspection Tool, the tool’s checks may differ slightly from Google’s regular crawling mechanisms. You can simulate Googlebot’s request using cURL:
    • Use cURL to request the sitemap from your server, simulating Googlebot: bash curl -A "Googlebot" -I
    • Check for any unusual response codes like 403 Forbidden or 503 Service Unavailable.
    • You can also simulate requests from different IPs (using VPNs or proxies) to test if some regions might be blocked or have slower access.

6. Submit the Sitemap to Bing and Check the Status

  • As an additional check, submit the same sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools. Bing’s crawl mechanism works similarly to Google’s. If Bing can successfully fetch the sitemap, this may indicate that the issue is more specific to Google’s crawlers, not your server.
    • If Bing can’t fetch it either, it suggests a broader issue with your server configuration.

7. Verify DNS and Hosting Stability

  • Check for DNS Errors: Use a tool like to verify that your DNS records resolve properly globally. Sometimes intermittent DNS issues or improper propagation can cause Googlebot to fail to access your site from certain regions.
  • Hosting Uptime: Ensure that your hosting provider has not had downtime or intermittent network issues that might prevent Google from reaching your sitemap. Use a monitoring service like UptimeRobot to ensure your site is accessible 24/7.

8. Log Googlebot’s Activity on Your Server

  • Set up detailed logging on your server to track Googlebot’s access attempts. This can help you pinpoint if Googlebot is encountering errors when automatically fetching the sitemap.
    • Solution: Check your server logs for Googlebot’s user-agent: less Googlebot/2.1 (+
    • Look for any unusual patterns, such as HTTP errors (403, 500, etc.) when Googlebot tries to access the sitemap. This will help you identify if there is an issue happening during regular crawling that isn’t showing up during manual checks.

9. Wait for Google Support or Forum Help

  • Sometimes, these issues are on Google’s end or can’t be easily diagnosed. Consider posting your issue on the Google Search Console Help Forum where Google employees and experts can provide more insight. Include details about what you’ve already tried, including logs, HTTP responses, and tests.
  • You can also contact Google Search Console support if you have access to paid support channels.

10. Switch to a Different Sitemap File Format (Temporary)

  • If you’re still facing issues, try submitting an alternate sitemap format (e.g., .txt or .html) as a test. While you mentioned .txt also failed, trying different variations might provide clues about the nature of the problem. If other formats work, it may indicate an issue with your XML sitemap specifically, like a hidden formatting error.

By thoroughly testing these possibilities and monitoring server logs closely, you can uncover hidden issues preventing Google from consistently fetching your sitemap. Given the complexity and duration of the issue, involving your hosting provider for deeper server diagnostics and checking with Google’s help community could offer further insights.

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