Fossils suggest even smaller ‘hobbits’ roamed an Indonesian island 700,000 years ago Fossils suggest even smaller ‘hobbits’ roamed an Indonesian island 700,000 years ago

New Study Reveals Ancestors of ‘Hobbits’ Were Even Shorter Than Previously Thought

Discovery Overview: It was 20 years ago that scientists discovered the fossils of a very small early human species on an Indonesian island, nicknamed “hobbits” because of their tiny height of about 1.07 meters.

New Study Findings: A new study indicates that their ancestors were even shorter in height by about 6 centimeters.

Fossil Details: The new fossils were discovered at Mata Menge, 45 miles from the original site. These date back 700,000 years ago and include a small fragment of an arm bone and teeth.

Evolutionary Debate: Some researchers are yet to know whether the hobbits evolved from Homo erectus, a taller human species, or a more primitive human predecessor.

Ongoing Research: The evolutionary position of the hobbits remains unclear, and further research and new fossil discoveries are required to understand their place in the history of humans.

Published Findings: The study was published on August 6, 2024, in the journal Nature Communications.

Expert Opinion: These findings were supported by experts like Dean Falk, but more studies are required to fully answer questions related to the hobbits’ evolution.

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