Do electric vehicle batteries get damaged if parked for a long time? Know the facts and myths

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Many questions arise about electric vehicle batteries, especially if the vehicle is parked for a long time. Does the battery really drain quickly? In this article, learn expert opinions, results of experiments, and tips for handling the battery properly.

Electric vehicle batteries: How true is the fear of battery draining if parked for a long time?

People have many doubts about the life and capacity of electric vehicle batteries. Especially when the vehicle is parked for a long time. Can the battery really drain? Is this just a rumor, or is there any truth in it? Let’s try to understand this.

What do manufacturers and experts say?

According to Tesla’s proprietary manual, if the electric vehicle is parked for a long time, the battery gradually discharges. In general, Tesla estimates that 1% of the battery charge may be lost every day. If “Sentry Mode” is on, this consumption can increase up to 10% per day.

When the battery charge drops below 20%, Sentry Mode automatically turns off to protect the battery. This means that if the vehicle stands for about 3 months without charging, the battery may be drained.

Experience and experiment: How true is this?

Experiments conducted on vehicles like Tesla and Kia EV6 revealed that the level of battery consumption depends on the parking conditions and temperature.

Tesla experiment:

  • A Tesla owner left his car without charging for two months. On returning, he saw that the battery had decreased by only 6%. At the same time, in some other cases, 70% of the battery was drained in 70 days.

Kia EV6 experiment:

  • Kia EV6 was kept without charging for about a month in temperatures up to 0 ° C. When the car owner returned, the battery level had decreased from 80% to only 78%.

How to increase battery performance?

Car manufacturers offer the following tips on long-term vehicle parking:

  • Use AC charging: Charge the battery with an AC charger set to 80% for long-term parking.
  • Disconnect the 12V battery: Ford recommends disconnecting the vehicle’s small 12V battery if the vehicle is parked for more than 30 days.
  • Turn off Sentry Mode: This reduces battery consumption.

Fuel vehicles vs electric vehicles

Conventional fuel vehicles also have problems with battery drain when parked for long periods. In cold temperatures, vehicles need extra care to restart.

Now new generation electric vehicles are using smart technology to further reduce battery consumption. Some manufacturers are considering adding solar charging options, which can keep the battery charged for long-term parking.

It is important to take care of temperature and charging habits during parking to maintain battery capacity. Despite the doubts over electric vehicle batteries, experiments and experience show that proper care and following guidelines ensures long-term battery life. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and keep an eye on the condition of the vehicle during long-term parking.

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