DNPA Code of Ethics

At, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical journalism. Our mission is to provide accurate, fair, and balanced news while maintaining transparency and accountability. We adhere to the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA) Code of Ethics to ensure that our content remains credible and trustworthy.

1. Accuracy and Fairness

  • We strive to provide accurate, verified, and well-sourced information.
  • We are committed to correcting errors promptly and transparently.
  • Our reports are presented impartially, without bias or sensationalism.

2. Independence and Integrity

  • Our editorial decisions are free from influence by advertisers, sponsors, or external pressures.
  • We maintain a clear separation between editorial content and advertisements.
  • Conflicts of interest are disclosed, and impartiality is maintained at all times.

3. Respect for Privacy

  • We respect individuals’ privacy and ensure that personal information is not misused.
  • Sensitive and private details are reported only when in the public interest.

4. Responsible Reporting

  • We avoid publishing content that promotes hatred, violence, or discrimination.
  • Our content does not include misinformation or disinformation.
  • User-generated content is moderated to ensure compliance with our ethical standards.

5. Transparency and Accountability

  • We are transparent about our sources of information, ensuring credibility and authenticity.
  • Our correction policy is clear, and inaccuracies are rectified with due prominence.
  • We encourage reader feedback and are open to constructive criticism.

6. Protection of Intellectual Property

  • We respect copyright laws and provide due credit to original sources.
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and content is reviewed for originality.

7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • We adhere to all applicable laws, including those related to defamation, privacy, and content regulation.
  • We comply with the guidelines set by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA).

8. Social Responsibility

  • We are committed to promoting public interest journalism.
  • Our platform serves as a space for informed public discourse while maintaining decorum and respect. is dedicated to responsible journalism, ensuring that our readers receive news that is accurate, fair, and ethical. By adhering to the DNPA Code of Ethics, we aim to maintain the trust and confidence of our audience.