4 Dark Traits of Female Narcissists and Psychopaths You Need to Know About

Female narcissists and psychopaths may hide their cruelty behind a sweet facade, bullying those they envy, manipulating relationships, and seeking power. They often engage in partner poaching, sabotage, and victim-blaming while aligning with corrupt individuals. Their behavior is driven by ego, control, and sadistic pleasure.

Fake Morality and Hidden Bullying:

  • Female narcissists or psychopaths often act morally superior but secretly bully those they envy.
  • They hide their cruelty behind a sweet image while spreading lies to make others believe the victim is at fault.

2. Partner Poaching:

  • These women may target people already in relationships, even if they have their partners.
  • The goal is not love but to boost their ego and gain control by “winning” over someone else’s partner.

3. Competing for Power and Attention:

  • Narcissistic women seek constant validation; psychopaths seek control.
  • They might manipulate relationships, create love triangles, or sabotage others’ success to feel superior.

4. Supporting Cruelty and Blaming Victims:

  • They often defend or align with corrupt people and blame victims instead of confronting wrongdoers.
  • Female narcissists or psychopaths may even support the toxic behaviors of others to avoid being held accountable themselves.

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